F*** YOU!

Uggh it sucks.  I hate being the middle child.  The middle child always gets introuble.  Always gets yelled at for no reason! Its also unfair because your older sister is a bitch and she thinks she gets to do whatever she wants.  When she does she lies cheats and theres no karma!  Shes like another alison.  Shes a bitch, a skum bag.  And a big flirt! I over heard her talking to her friend about losing her virginity.  Like really? She has been acting dumb  latley and shes been yelling at me because i'm caring for other people and shes over there going from life to life munipulating them and using them for her joy.  Its nasty.  Its sickning.  ITS GROSS.  And she gets whatever she wants when she pleases.  She even gets MY LAPTOP.  I dont even know why I let her use it when ever she pleases.  Is it cause i'm to nice or i'm just scared.  Its stupid because when ever I be assertive she goes all off trying to make like shes right.  She always wants to be right.  The only thing thats important to her is her friends.  I would like to see if all her family members die and no god mother or father would want to take her in.  I want to see if her friends would let her in.  I bet not.  Shes such a headache of a sister.  It pisses me off.  Gosh.  My life sucks right?  Because of her.  And everything else that is going on in my life.