A Pink Magical Unicorn

The week!

This is our last full week ever! OMFG ;__________; Well it was a pretty good week.  It started off regular. I had the evens periods and it was regular.  Nothing really happened.  Well not that I know of? LOL.  It was a regular day, wait i think that it was the first day where i discovered I was going to loose my voice maybe forever or that it would be messed up.  That was pretty much my monday.  Then on tuesday, it was a really good day! It was an odds day and it was a really productive day for me because I never had enough sleep and I wasn't ready for whatever was going to happen on tuesday cause of avid recognition night.. I had to do my speech and I wasnt ready.  Well anyways, for my odds the only odd things that we did was the terra nova test. I only remember what happened after school though.  What happened afterschool was that I had to go to the freshman student council for a meeting.  I learned a lot and I learned that we are going to plan a lot! I know that I am ready and prepared for it because I am kinda excited. I really like to plan things thats why! Then that was it.  After that I went to ilima for recognition night! I was hella scared and hella hungry! and I was hella scared! I was talking with Mr.B, shaela, prya, megan, and anne.  Cyrus and max came to chill with us but then never really talked much.  Then it was time for the recognition night.  It was really fun! I had to do my speech, even though it didn't really go well i thought I did a really good job! I was also suprised because I won 2 awards... I know it doesnt sound like a lot, but that is a lot for me. Yeaunno what I am sayin? then after that we went or me and anne went to go and help clean up! It was a really fun tuesday! Then it was wednesday! Wednesday nothing really happened.  The only thing that happened was that it was my last time on tv and I was with king and my voice was kind of messed up, but I think I managed to get it better.  Through out the day it wasnt as bad . Hai shanice was here lol.  Omfg shanice is such a dumbo and hacked in when I wasnt finished typing LOl.  Well moving on to thursday.  Thursday wasn't really a good yet bad day.  It was a regular day. Nothing really happened.  And then there came friday! Firday was awesome1 Awesome day and awesome afternoon! And plans! Shyana shaela giselle shanice and anne went to go sleep over! It was really fun! We went to the movie in the park and shayna and shaela got to see their boo thang and then we went to go play hide and go seek.  Well that was the week! Bye! Last blog~~ oh my lawrdy. Well i think its the last blog.

this week x3

So this week was okay, nothing really happened but we had to do a lot of work.
On Monday we had an odds day, nothing interesting really happened that day.  During period 4 we were just chillin.  We were making clay models and we talked about stuff.  That was pretty much it.  Then during science we played a game, but I had to leave early because I had cafe moniters ;p during cafe moniters I had to do the dishes, my sleeves got wet cause heighlee was being to rough with the water lol.  Then in period two we just took cornell notes on ads and then we just did the worksheet.
On tuesday, an awesome thing happened! It was an odds day but I never went to class cause we had a field trip! We went to ice palace! IT WAS HELLAH FUN! We went skating hung out with a bunch of people, at a lot of food and took a lot of pictures.  I loved the field trip because I got closer to other people I never thought I would be close too because I was so socially awkward.  I also got to try new things.  Well actually I only got to try one new thing and that was hockey skates lol.  It was kind of hard to use the hockey skates cause it doesnt have the breaks and yeauh.  Also there were some inside jokes through out the field trip lol.  It was a really awesome tuesday.
On wendesday nothing really happened.  It was an evens day.  During period 6 we took cornell notes on asteroids, comets, and meteors.  Then in period 2 we just worked on our project.  Then in period 4 we just worked on our display board.  The real fun happened afterschool.  After school me and anne had an adventure! We had to go walk from and to ilima! It was so tiering but it was worth it lol.  Then we had curriculum night and that was it.
On thursday it was an odds day, nothing really happened on this day too.  All we did in period one was watch a video take a quiz and then work on our flip book, that was pretty much it for period 1.  Then in period 3 we just had a review for the HSA cause we are having HSA soon.  Then in period 5 we were working on our letters and folding it in our envolopes.  That was pretty much all of thursday.
Friday I had a fever so I couldnt go school today.  All ive been doing all friday was sleeping and staying in bed.  That was the week.

The Week (:

Woah! So like I never knew that they made this new thing for blogger.  LOL I am so late I know ;o but it was a pretty fun week! Lets start off with monday? and I am going to tell you about saturday which is today cause I wanna tell you about my adventure!
Monday was a regular day, nothing really happened.  I went to all my classes and did the normal thing.  Uhm I think it was the odd periods that day and the periods were 5, 1, 3.  In period 5 we had this new thing for avid.  That thing was called argument writing.  I think that is not the proper name, but it was something like that.  We had to do this thing about how we have to prove whether this person was guilty of killing someone or not.  That was all of avid.  In social studies we had to do some textbook work.  The textbook work was pretty easy.  Then in algebra we had to take cornell notes on pythagorean theyrum or however you spell it.  Our algebra teacher said we had some problems with those so we had to review.  That was Monday.
Tuesday was an evens day.  In sceicne we had a sub and we had to find the difference between climate and weather.  It was pretty boring for me LOL.  In english we had HSA.  It was so boring in that class.  We couldn't finish the test all in one day, but I wasn't planning too, I hate how I messed up on one of the sections for the HSA.  I was rushing ;p but that was my fault.  In 4th period we just worked on the display board and chilled.  Tuesday was pretty chill.  Nothing really happened.  Or like nothing really interesting happened.  It was a regular day for me.
Wednesday was another Odds day for us.  This day was pretty hectic.  It was 1, 3, and 5.  In social studies we did our textbook correction work thing.  I got such a low and sucky score! I got a B! I was so pissed when I found out I got a B.  I worked hard on that and I ended up having a B..  Then recess came and it was regular, staying in the lounge.  Then it came to algebra.  Also known as my 3rd period.  In my third period I found something out.  My phone was missing! I freaked out! But on the outside I acted natural, on the inside I wanted to cry and yell cause I would have gotten in big trouble.  So then during advisory I went back to Mrs. Liu's and Mr. Barayugas to check my phone.  I went everywhere LOL.  But no luck.  So then I had to face it.  Then there came avid.  We had to go to the chorus room for this presentation from cambpell.  It was kind of interesting.  Also cold cause there was AC.  It was also in mixture with our 5th periods math class.  That was pretty much.  At the end of the day, I found out where my phone was cause mr. Ing found it LOL.  I am such a dumb person xD! That was what happened on wednesday.
On thursday it was also a regular day.  Nothing really happened.  It was also an evens day.  In english which was the first period of the day we continued on HSA.  HSA was so boring.  I finished early and I got such a low score -.- I didn't like it yo! Then after that I was just looking at random ebooks books on the ebooks page thing.  I know it sounds confusing even i am confused lol.  Well that was english.  In leaderhsip I bought a notebook and I copied everything from my old science notebook to the one I bought.  My new one is clean and I am happy that I have a new one >.< That was pretty much it.  Ms. Seigaku and Mr. Nishimura came in like on the last minutes of class before the advisory bell rang.  That was pretty much all of 4th period.  Then in advisory and lunch it was a chill, I just hung out and stuff.  Then it came to science.  In science we didn't do much.  We just watched a movie and took a quiz on it.  And then I got 100% ! Yay me! That was thursday!
Friday was an okay day, nothing really happened.  It was also an odds day.  And Mr. Ing had a track meet som then we went to other homerooms cause we wouldn't have a homeroom.  So then I stayed in Ms. Seigakus room.  It was pretty chill.  Got to talk to people and it was fun.  Although some people got mad at me for talking to certain people.. But that doesnt really matter because I am suppose to talk about what happened on friday.  Well in algebra we took a test.. Bleh I hated it because I got stuck on one and that one i know I have a feeling I got wrong -.- Then in avid we had this mini debate or i don't know what to call it ;p but it was a continuation about the argumentive writing thingy mobbobers.  In advisory and lunch it was also chill.  Hung out and stuff.  Then it came to social studies.  We were introduced a project and we had to make the flip book.  I am trying to go for the A LOL.  Well that is pretty much it.
Saturday (bonus!):
Well on Saturday it was a pretty good day.  I went shopping and went to many different places! And I found out something LOL.  Well now I am lazy so that is all I am going to say.  Bye!

A hectic WEEK

So like the week, it was a good week! ^0^
Monday was an evens periods.  We started off with period 6.  In period 6 we did a research on different types of stars.  We had to look everything up on the internet and see what information we could find on these different types of stars.  That was pretty much it.  Now I am going to talk about period 2.  In period 2 we played a game.  The game was all about this poser guy who was posing as a doctor or some weird army person.  English was boring though.  Now I am going to talk about leadership.  We didn't do much in leadership.  All we did was practice for orientation.  After that we started on our display board activity.  It was a pretty chill day.
Tuesday was really scary.  In the morning everything was going or doing fine, but I was just so scared! Holomua was coming for the 6 grade orientation.  I was scared I was going to mess up.  It sucked because I had to miss social studies and now because I missed the class I got a C ;o but its okay.  Anyways we did orientation.  Orientation turned out pretty good.  Everyone did good! Even if the tour was a bit slow we were all good! Then we went to algebra.  Algebra was fun.  Although we got to miss like the first 20 minutes of class.  For algebra we took cornell notes on probability and we did this fun worksheet.  Then after we did this game against Mr. Barayuga.  It was a fun algebra class.  Now moving on to AVID.  In AVID we did tutorials.  I didn't know their was tutorials so then I got a low score on it, I was about to cry.. That was the end of the day.
Wednesday was real awesome! even if the tv mixer broke. In english it was boring as always, we continued on playing the game.  Keith's group won! So unfair lolol.  Then class ended and I had to do my wiki job but then something happened lol.  Gabe picked me up and then he was about to get his ass kicked but I prevented that from happening! Now its all gee.  Then we had leadership.  I had to make up some work.  Mrs. Liu was there but then she told me that I would get it done later.  So then I went to algebra.  I made up some work there.  Then now I am going to talk about science.  In science we just took cornell notes on galaxies and then we did this galaxy activity where we had to walk around the classroom and copy the information off these little papers.  That was pretty much it.
Thursday was another hectic day! We had orientation in the morning again! And that was the day where we had to do this ghetto broadcast LOLOLOL.  After we did the ghetto broadcast we had to go and wait for all the other schools to get there.  Finally when they all got there we started.  Everything turned out good.  Except for the tour, the tour pissed me off.  The kids were out of control! They were crazy loud and were such slow walkers.  But it was okay.  Now moving on to avid.  In avid we had to type out our thank you letter.  That time went pretty quick actually.  I finished mines in time! Then we had some free time.  Now moving on to social studies.  In social studies I had to sit on the side like a loaner and finish my test >__< I also had to read this chapter 13 thing and do this worksheet on it, but I never got to finish it.  Thursday during school was fun.  Afterschool got a little hectic.  I was super duper hyper! I almost died, threw up and all that stuff.  Also there were some misunderstandings.  People were crying and people were snobbing acting like top boss and like they knew everything .___. but it was all gee afterwards because everything was all cleared up!
Firday, the only special thing that happened that day was ms. seigakus birthday party! I caked her in the face 3 times! I thought it was funny (x Also 2nd period.  It was so awkward.. But the good thing was that we had a sub.  I liked the sub, he wasn't errking.   There were some pretty weird things going on to, but I wasn't involved with it.  Lol.
That was the week.  K. Bye!