Last Night!!!!

Yesterday I went to a wedding.  It was my cousins wedding.  It was such a beautiful place and people in nice outifts.  Well anyways as I went to the wedding they put on a slide show and did all the other things made me realized how much time passed by and I didnt even realized it.  Its suprising my cousin was getting married, but I feel like that everytime I went to a graduation party to.  It makes me feel old.  And one of my worse fears are becomming an adult.  Im scared to grow up.  I know the good things in growing up is getting money getting a car getting to do whatever you want.  But the bad part is that you have to leave your family behind.  Everything behind just to start something new.  I am not afraid of letting go.  Once I hold on I keep holding on.  I dont know why though, but im like that.  Well anyways I dont know how a wedding got into getting older and having to leave and now my fears >.< But anyways I know I have to leave somthing someday.  But I know it will be hard because its hard letting go of the things you love.