10062011, October 6, 2011.

TODAY! Aha today was such an awesome day ^-^ We went on an outing to the beach with the leadership fam bam! I had to wake up super early.  Like 5:30 A.M early! So as I was getting ready I was taking my time when I was going to strighten my hair I found out the straightener broke! I was pissed.  And then I went joshy's house and used his tiny straightner lol it helped alittle because my hair is SUPER THICK.  Well anyways as we we waiting for mr.ing to pick us up we were watching ms. universe.  It was my first time watching it! It was kind of weird because there is a bunch of girls with to much make up and it made me feel ugly -,- Well anyways when we got picked up joshy was being all weird in the van! And I was listening to his voice mail from some one.. After that we got the rest of the family and we went to the beach! I was so awake in the car! I couldnt stop screaming and stuff.  It was funnt (x When we got to the beach we took our leadership picture. My hair was up so of course I looked ugly.  Because my straightener is broken so now I cannot straighten my hair -.- hmmph well there was weird things that happend in the beach to..  There were people in speedos and the life guards getting ready to watch the beach were all up on those stairs! Haha! And then when we went to go change I saw a naked lady and I was scarred o.o It scared the HELL out of me! Once we were done chaniging we went to go eat.  For breakfast we had portugese sausage and eggs with rice (: The food was yummalicious! When we were done eating we went swimming! Haha it was so funny we all ran to the water and then once we were touching the water we ran back because it was soooooooo cold! I went underwater so I can get use to the coldness.  When we were swimming me heighlee and shaela were drifting off to the deep.  Once re realized we couldnt touch the ground anymore we all screamed and then I ditched them LOL.  After like 5 seconds I came back to help them.  We also played chicken fight LOL OMG CHICKEN FIGHT WAS FILARIOUS! Megan was trying to carry heighlee and then she fell back! She was trying to carry an and the she failed again! When I tried to carry megan she kept making me drown! Lol it was funny xD Also we digged a whole it was deep! It coverd half heighlees size xD ! But we coulda made it deeper, but ten it was to hard to dig up and also my fingers were starting to hurt.  When we ate lunch it was good.  The food was DELICIOOSO! Aha we had steak and hawt dawg and rice.  I only ate steak and rice.  Oh! I missed the part where I was tanning xD ! Aha I have such a bad tan! Gawd i need to tan or buy a new bathing suit and yeeeeeauh! Well we kept swimming and it was fun (: We saw this beautiful white bird and we called it angel! After we were done with everything we were packing up.  I took alot of the snacks home like a fattay! Aha, but its okay FREE FOOD! When we were going home we were all so tierd! It was all quiet in the car.  The only noise was comming from me heighlee and shayna jolene and joshy.  The rest was all quiet.  Once I got home, ohhh boy I fell asleep! It was unfair because my mommy them went longs and I was suppose to go longs to buy the shampoo that makes my hair straight! Well I guess that is all today. I could have wrote more and type it more organized, buuut I don't wanna write an abundance amount of words.  Oh! And my new resolution this yeat: To use bigger vocabulary (: I hope I use much more vocabulary than using the dumb words lol.  Well tooodaloo!