This was just horrible.

Today has been the worst week for me.. I have been feeling depressed for so many reasons.  I kept it bottled up and not on here because my sister has been taking the laptop and keeping it for her own reasons when its not even hers.  Well anyways i''ve been feeling depressed for various of reasons.  I felt bad because I was being mean to other people I didn't want to be mean to.  I said some things I regret and I feel bad because I don't want people to hate me even if I deserved to be hated.  Another thing was about not being good enough.  Before I left to go sleep over Shanice's house my dad was yelling at me because I wasn't cleaning, but I washed the dishes cleaned the living room and some parts of my room (the things that were messy) And he said it wasn't good enough.. And when I got my report card I showed it to my mom and the first thing she said was "Not Good Enough" I try and try everyday to keep my parents happy.  I go through a lot of stress and hard work to get A's and looking at my parents say that TO MY FACE "Not Good Enough" Makes me think that I don't belong to anybody.  Also because I don't feel like i'm important.  Like i'm some person that NOBODY needs.  And that's just the only 2 reasons why i'm sad.  There is this anchor that's holding me down.  An anchor full of sadness.  I feel like i'm drowning in depression with no one to save me.  I don't want to talk it out because i'm just going to end up crying.  I know i'm an emotional wreck.  Also this other reason why I was sad was because of this school thing.  My friend told everyone in the class the wrong joke and the person I liked I guess took it the wrong way because he came up to me and asked if I was pregnant.  Does it look like i'm pregnant? No. Then why ask? Like the sad thing is that I hope he won't look at me the wrong way and think i'm creepy weird.  The last reason why I was sad was because the things in one of my elective classes.  It got to the point where EVERYONE had to empty their cubbies and give our teacher our yellow shirts.  I never have emptied my cubbie before.  And its messed up because its still in the beginning and there is much more trouble than before.  Well thats all I have to say I guess.. Bye.