My Hero Revised. (I changed my hero)

             You see that pretty girl up there? No not me, even if i'm the prettier one LOL jk.  Well the blond one.  That girl is my hero.  Her name is Angelika Peralta (My Older sister) She has done a lot for me.  And when I say A LOT i am telling the truth that its A LOT.  She has helped me with all my problems and she gave me advice when ever I needed it.  She also has bought me so much CRAP and she doesn't ask anything in return.  Even if we get into fights she is still the one always right by my side every time I have a problem.  When I need some one to talk to she is the one there to listen when the world is against me.  I haven't been a good person because I haven't even said thank you to her.  Well I some times said thank you, but I don't think it shows enough appretiation to her.  I love my sister.  If I have ever had this talk to her I would have said so much thank yous because I don't know what to do in return for her niceness.  Even if she has done some bad things to me, its okay because I know she would do other things for me when I ask even if im all mean.  She knows that she is my hero because I told her. Just now LOL.  Well that is who my hero is..

               I think all heros share the same kind of trait.  ALL HEROS even the one in those super hero movies  well the actors aren't really hero's, but like they are acting like one.  One of the traits that all super hero's share is being their for every one even if they have their own problems to solve.  They are all busy, for example in spider man he had some conflicts, but even if he had those conflicts he still stopped the evil people from winning.  Another trait that I think all heros share is being helpful.  Every one helps eachother, but nothing like super heros.  They help any one in need.  Even if its their enemies.  Well thats the only two traits (in my head right now) that I think all super heros share.

              My hero (Angelika) Has some hero traits and some of her own kind of traits.  One trait that she has is she is straight forward with people.  She tells me the truth ALWAYS. Even if the truth hurts she would tell me because she would want to help me improve it.  Another trait she has is being helpful.  She helped me with a lot like what I explained in the 1st paragraph.  She doesnt ask anything in return and I cant be like that.  I always ask something in return.  3rd trait she has is she can inspire me.  She has done some GOOD things that inspire me and that have encouraged me to do the same good things she has done.  Also she has inspired me about fashion, smarts and etc.  Those are the types of traits she has.  I hope you enjoyed my 3 paragraphs about my hero.  And she really is one of my hero's.  Another one is jesus, but like she is the one after jesus.  Bye!