Heroooo Powerpoint :D

So like our leadership advisor (Mr.ing) assigned us to make a powerpoint about who our hero is.  There are 6 slides on it.  The first slide is our tittle.  The tittle is My hero and we have to put our heros name and who the hero powerpoint is by.  The 2nd slide we have to put some background information about our hero like where they live, where they were born and what they liked and what they dislike.  I wrote/ made a power point about my sister.  I am not done yet, but im going to be finished with it soo.  Well anyways back to what I was explaining.  The 3rd and 4th slide is where we explain why they are our hero.  So we had to put 4 or more reasons.  2 for each slide if its four.  On the 5th slide is where our video essay is suppose to be.  Our video essay has to be atleast 2 minutes long and it has to have music.  The last slide is where you summarize everything.  The powerpoint is due on the 21 of november so I have to get it done soon before time runs out >____< well that is all the information about our hero powerpoint! Oh and I forgot! My hero is my older sister angelika peralta (: Well bye!