Flyer! (:

Okay so we had a flyer thing that we have worked on during 4th period last class.  Actually there was two things we worked on, although I am only going to talk about one of them.  Which is the spring fling flyer.  We all worked on the spring fling flyer during class.  Some people started earlier, but its okay.  The flyer had to take up a lot of space filled with all the activities that was going to be on there.  The activities were: Shayna says, doughnut game, wheres the gummy, mystery hunt, balloon darts, soda ring toss, and pin the tale on the unicorn.  Those are only the games we are having there.  But the spring fling doesn't only have games, we also have food and drinks and dance contests to.  There is best jerker, dougie, and I forgot the last one.  Also there will be ilimas best dance crew.  There are a ton of things we have to do for this after school dance also me and megan have to make a banner.  I guess we are starting that soon or maybe Monday because things will soon to clear up.  My flyer had alsmost all the activities on the paper.  I think that makes sense? Well anyways I made my flyer and I used a lot of pictures of the games and I used spring things for the background well not counting the balloons because that would be involved in the dance.  Well I guess that we are done talking about the flyer.  Oh yeauh one more thing I forgot was that we all made a flyer and shayna had to chose which one she was going to use.  I bet it wasn't mines.  Ha. Well bye!