The crazy week 0-------0

Okay so this week was insane.  It wasn't only because of any of the reccent events in leadership, it was because of other things.  Haha, well lets start with this Tuesday, shall we? Well Tuesday was the first day of the week, I had TV for a job, I was typing out the buliten and I was freaking out about my speech because it was that day.  Actually we were sharing speeches on that day.  Well I freaked out in the TV room and homeroom, that wasn't the only thing that happened in home room, but we also talked about the rearranged jobs because we had an issue last week.  Well anyways that was pretty much it.  We started off the day with period 5 it was super duper scary.  We started off with pay pay because she volenteered to go first.  All the people who were doing speeches were kind of scared and stuttered and messed up.  Some times people even forgot about their speeches.  Well that was through the whole AVID class.  Thank god I never went yet.  The class ended with rachielles or however you spell her names speech.  I felt kind of relieved that I never gone yet.  Well that was just period 5.  I'm going to skip wiki and go straight to 1st period.  In 1st period we were sharing our invention.  I wasn't that scared because I was use to the class and I can talk infront of them. Well I shared my invention the imagination door.  It can take you to anywhere you want.  Well that wasn't the whole point of 1st period.  My social studies class was pretty fun.  That suckish part was that I had to leave 10 to 5 minutes early.  Lunch and advisory passed and now I am in 3rd period, it was a usual day and we did the usual things like take cornell notes and did work.  That was a typical Tuesday.  Now the next day, which was Wednesday.  We had period 6 first,  that was the day where we were taking cornell notes on eclipses.  It was pretty boring.  After that 2nd period.  It was also boring too.  Then passed lunch and advisory, pretty normal until we heard about some of the mistakes that was on the ID thing and some thing about how the dates were written on the sheet when it wasn't suppose to.  I didn't really know what had happened until now.  Then came the last period of the day, period 4 which is leadership.  We all worked on our letter and our flyer.  It took me a while to finish it.  After I finished it I went to go G's and C's and taco bell with shaela, shanice and annie.  Well shaela met us at taco bell because of her meeting.  That was Wednesday.  Now with Thursday.  Thursday was really weird.  I was on tv and I had made a fool of myself, but I didn't really care because it was a funny public humiliation.  Then we had period 1.  We shared our MLK speech and it was all chill.  During period 3 we did regular things and took cornell notes and it was, typical.  After that came lunch and advisory when we had a meeting.  Period 2 have made another mistake and got busted.  But in my head my number one priority was what will happen in AVID class.  I know I shouldn't think about that because there was a meeting, but that was the number one thing in my head.  When the bell rang for 5th period I freaked out.  I was all shakey and scared to do the speech.  Well, I am going to fast forward when I was suppose to speak.  When I was going up, I looked frightened to public speak.  Kyle and max were nice enough to volenteer before me.  I would have given them hugs to show my thank yous, but I liked kyle and he maybe knows and might think it will be awkward.  And I don't want max to think I like him.  Well when it was officially my turn I stood up and spoke.  But then I kind of freaked out because I caught kyles eyes staring me down.  So then i started to stutter and started to choke on my words and then I asked for a redo.  When I redid my speech I kind of messed up and I don't know.  It was an okay speech.  That was the end of the day.  The next day started fine, but then the first period of the morning was a sea full of tears.  Everyone in period 2 including me was crying because we continued on the meeting.  People like jolene, josh, anne, chachie, melanie them wanted us out.  Shanice, tamera, shaela, me, and shayna wanted us to stay back in.  The bell rang and we weren't done, but we had to go to class.  I was more embarrased because I went to my english class crying my nose was all stuffy and my eyes were all poofy.  And we had to present crap to the class.  Thank god the class was over.  Then it became period 4.  It was a regular period 4 laughs and talking I forgot about the whole morning, but the bell rang.  During lunch and advisory we continued on the meeting.  The good thing is that no one has gotten kicked out and I felt happy about it and the bad part was that mr. Ing's coffee mug thingy broke and that was the last purple one on the island.  After that it was period 6.  We didn't do much but cornell notes and other things.  Then it was the end of the day.  I ended the day with a starving stomach and a headache, but now I am writing my blog and I am all gee.  I might go out tonight with my family, I don't know i'll just read now.  It was a pretty dramatic week.  Well I hope next week will be better.  BYE!