Plans on 1-13

Haaaay dudes and dudets ;3 I'm on here again and I'm going to be talking about what I did on the dates January 8-13. On Monday was the day I had a friend fight with my two best friends in the whole wide world. Also not only that, but through out the day it was really awkward. It was the first week of music for the 3rd quarter. In the music room it was so quiet. Well anyways let's talk about home room. In home room we were regular the usual. Oh did I forget that the bell schedule was so late!? We had to use the red horn. Now I'm going to talk about the details that had happened in class. In science we went outside and jumped. We had to do it for some ridiculous reason about a worksheet. I though it was ridiculous. There were some weird strangers in the room of d205. I left early cause I needed to go play the music. After music I went to ELA for my second period. It was so boring. I hated it. I almost fell asleep. I couldn't wait till it was over. After passed lunch and advisory and then it was 4th period. We were pretty quiet and only had small talk. Me and stuffy, not gonna say any names but like we had an argument then we made up and watched pretty little liars. After that the day was over. The next day was an odd day. It was a regular day with some talks and stuff. The first period of the day was history. Me and my partner was working on our project and it was pretty boring. After that we went to algebra. W were taking Cornell notes and then we did some arts and crafts. It was okay because I was entertained by Austin Rudy and Jolene because they are cool to talk to. After that it was avid. The first thing we had was a binder check.m I think. O wait no never mind we had a prompt about being proactive and reactiv. I said I was reactive and then ms. Wert said that it's better to be proactive than reactive. After that we had our binder check and then we corrected our second draft for the I am who I am essay paragraph speech. That was the end of the school day. After school it was regular. Home work home work home work. Boring. On the third day it was evens. We plate regular music and it was also a short day. I had English and it was boring, as always. After that it was 4th period. It was regular and not boring. Majority of the week was a blur to me. Well now off to 6 period. In 6 period we just did different senerios of gravity. After that we were done with the day. The next day was an odd day it was regular and stuff. I'm too lazy to write details. So I am going to skip the day. The next day. Today is the last day of the week and also it is my 7 months. Today I also took a gravity test. That was pretty much it. Now I am at shanices house writing a blog. Well I'm going to go because I Am now done with writing this blog. Oh I also forgot that we had no problems during this week. Except towards the end. But now everything isokay. Bye!