A 4 day week (:

The whole week in general was a good week.  I am going to start with monday.  Monday was pretty boring I stayed in the house all day, although it was a pretty good day because it was a lazy day.  Well that was my monday! Now I am going to talk about tuesday.  Tuesday was the first official school day of the week.  On tuesday the periods was an odd day.  It was 1, 3, 5.  In our first period we were presenting our heart buisness thing.  It was pretty embarasing because I had to sing infront of the whole social studies class.  Another thing we did in social studies class was we had to barter.  Some people were being so irratating in the barter so we got a lower grade.  I wanted to punch them in the face.  That was pretty much the 1st period.  In 3rd period we took cornell notes and we did class work the whole time.  That was pretty much it.  Now in 5th period, I had to present my speech.  It was kind of embarassing because my crush was there looking at me and I didnt want to look him in the eyes.  That was pretty much it of 5th period.  After that I had afterschool sales and then I went home.  It was a regular day, but the special part of the day was afterscchool.  I texted kyle for the first time.  Haah! Well thats tuesday.  Now I am going to talk about wednesday.  On wednesday we were all preparing for spring fling.  I had to blow balloons and put notes in them.  When I was doing that I was getting light headed and then I was all dizzy.  That was pretty much all of wednesday.  Now thursday.  Thursday was another odds day and it was the day of spring fling! Thursday was pretty normal.  I took cornell notes and work.  Oh and in social studies I took a test.  It sucked because I got 2 wrong on my economics test ;p in AVID we continued the speeches and yeauh.  There was some problems, but that is irrelevant.  After that it was spring fling! Spring fling it was hawt and I wasn't feeling so good.  I was going to faint, but I needed to help clean up.  That was thursday! Now on friday, it was a fun day.  Most awesomest day of the week.  We got to opt out and we were cleaning up from thursday.  The classes were pretty entertaining.  When I got home there was a movie marathon! Aha, well I had a movie marathon and it was pretty fun.  I stayed up through the night and watched movies.  That was my week! I know you may seem like its boring, but it was an okay/ good week for me because it was chill.  Well bye!