Week 3-2 2nd to the last week of 3rd quarter );

Well the week was so wow.  It was kind of a sad and pissy week for me.  Lets start with a monday shall we? on  Monday it wasn't anything special.  And I was a little sad.  That day was an odds day.  I think the periods were 3, 5 & 1 and it was also the week I had HSA.  Well anyways, I had mcd's in the morning laughed a little and chilled and worked ID's and then I heard a story of people leaving the door unlocked and taking a dump.  I thought it was pretty hilarious.  I think it was monday LOL.  Now I am going to talk about my class periods.  In period 3 we had to go C202 because HSA was canceled (stupid problems with the internet) and we had to do a review quiz in the morning.  I didn't really enjoy it because I on;y had like 3 right? But thats okay because some people got things wrong lol.  Anyways that was all we did and surprisingly it took up all our time! After that, it was AVID.  Avid we had to take out our marijuana worksheet and we had a practice with secratic seminars.  I don't know how to spell it ;p.  Well back to the story, I had the person I liked in my group so I was a bit scared to talk LOL I have issues xD but I talked and I asked if any one would try it because I would and Mrs. Wert started judging me -.-.  That was pretty much most of avid class now I am going to talk about spring bucket.  The spring bucket you have to get an item that represents you.  I was stupid during the week and never got or had a chance to print out my item, but now I am going back to my original item >__< and also we had to write a blog about it.  That is spring bucket.  I don't really remember what happened in social studies so I am going to skip lol.  Now moving on to tuesday.  Tuesday we had the even periods.  Tuesday was an okay day.  Nothing big happened.  But in science.  Science we have this mini project where we have to create a creature that will live in one of the inner and outer planets.  I chose mars cause that was pretty easy lol.  That was the only big thing on tuesday.  Going to wednesday.  On wednesday we started with period 5.  Period 5 we had another round of secratic seminars and I was in the same groups with my crush AGAIN -.- it was really awkward but I thank god that other people were there.  At the end of period 5 we had a new article for philisophical chairs stating weather marijuana should be legal or not.  That was it.  Next period was social studies.  In social studies we did a worksheet and book work.  I never got to finish the book work but the good thing is that I managed to finish it in time before we corrected it.  That was period 1.  In algebra we had HSA that was pretty much it.  Moving on to thursday.  Thursday was a pretty chill day.  Not untill some one had a salty balls moment and messed it up.  It had been going on for 1 day and a half which was until friday and it was all good.  Or I think it happened on wednesday I don't know.  I get my dates mixed up.  Well that was pretty much thursday.  On friday we had philisophical chairs, I had a good grade on my social studies class work and I didn't finish my HSA test ;p When I got home I took the dog a shower and cleaned so that is why I am doing all of my home work or most of my home work saturday.  Well that is pretty much it.  I just hope to accomplish my goal for today which is to complete most of my homework.. Okay bye!