4-6 of Jan.

Okay so the dates of January 4th, 5th, and 6 were the first 3 days and the first week of school.  On the first day of school was kind of confusing.  With the new rules we were kind of confused because we weren't given specific information.  On the first day of school I had social studies, algebra, and avid.  In social studies we had to make an invention which was easy.  The thing I hated was we had to work with some one and I wanted or would rather work on my own.  Algebra, we learned about the coordinate plane.  We used our tables and made it into one.  We took cornell notes, it was a regular class day.  In avid we were just writing paragraphs and sharing them out with the class. We had an assignment that was about who we were.  I don't really know who I really am, but i'm just going to talk about me in the speech.  On the second day of school I had my even periods.  Which were ELA, science, and leadership.  In ela we just wrote poems and did this test and worked on our foldable.  It wasn't really entertaining.  I wanted to leave the class badly because it was so boring.  Science was pretty interesting.  We were taking cornell notes on gravity.  I was still a little lost when we were taking cornell notes because everything was going to fast.  That was what I did on the 2nd day of school.  On the last day friday I had the odd periods again.  It was all the same social studies we worked on our inventions.  AVID we worked on our speeches.  Algebra we took cornell notes.  Regular day.When we started off the year,  It was kind of an okay start because we got lectured at and at least 7 people were on probation.  Also everything is different too.  It seems like it's the same, but for me it was very different.  In my point of view.  There was some people that have changed a little.  Every one looked the same, but everything was different.  Another thing that has changed was the changes that have been set in this elective.  The new rules have started this year and i'm scared that I might screw up and get kicked out.  I don't know if I will screw up, but things have just started and every one is trying to ease in slowly for the new rules.  Not only that, but I completed my weekly AR goal.  I have completed 40 percent which is good.  I was also reading the book called catching fire which I am almost done with.  Not only that, but we have started some projects in some other classes to.  Its such a busy year for me.  Oh and I forgot about how we planned for all the future events.  For example orientaiton, intramurals, AR opt out, graduation.  And PBS opt out.  I am still planning orientation.  That was all in the week.  It wasn't much writing and much detailed.  I forgot to add about how I shared about my hero today.  Well i'm going to go now.  Okay bye!