Presentation today.

Today we have had a hero presentation.  I talked about my hero which was my sister.  I added some back ground information about her.  Another thing that I was explaining in my presentation was why she was my hero. I said some reasons although I don't think it was enough reasons though.  I don't think my speech was long enough When I was presenting.  I don't think it was 30 seconds.  Well anyways we talked about what we learned in our speech.  I have learned some things.  One thing I learned was more of my computer skills.  I learned how to make my power point presentation more entertaining.  How I made the power point more entertaining was by adding transition designs.  Adding a background and fixing the lighting in the background.  Also I learned how to turn down the music in my video essay.  Anyways the important part is that I have learned that every one needs a hero.  Even if its one of the strongest person alive they will need some one to rely on and have some one that inspires them.  Well that was my whole presentation.  After that all the other students in leadership did their speech.  Of course I was clapping for the people after the shared.  It's a good thing that we all finished the presentations in one day.  Well BYE!