January 23-27

Okay, so the week was pretty normal.  I will start off with a Monday.  Monday was an odd day.  I think the periods were 3, 5, and 1.  In period 3 algebra we did a random times table.  We had a sub on that day and we took cornell notes on rotation.  I didn't really understand because she was dumb and yeauh that was pretty much it.  In period 5, we had to take out our hitler cornell notes and we did a test on it.  I bet I failed.  Well I know I failed, but that was on a different day.  That was pretty much my 5 period.  In our first period I took more cornell notes on the steam engine.  After that we had to be in groups and work together to make a inventions matrix.  It was so irratating because some people never took good notes for shet and gave me a C for my worksheet.  Also some people were so slow and I had afterschool sales.  I ended up running to A101 because I needed to rush to go to class and set up.  The good thing is that I accomplished it.  HAHA! On tuesday we started with period 4.  In period 4 I worked on any unfinished work and I started in my spring fling poster.  That was pretty much all of period 4.  Next was period 6.  Period 6 on tuesday was the first day that we had taken the HSA science test for our 1st time.  That was pretty much it for me.  Now to period 2.  My english class.  I don't like my english class.  In english.  We finished up our presentations and then we started on a worksheet about 10 things that poets do.  After that we were working on planning on poems.  Then, thank god I had afterschool sales.  I hated that class.  Well that was the end of tuesday.  Now on wednesday.  We had period 5 first.  In period 5 we went to TB-6 and we took NEW cornell notes on the hitler thing.  Ms. wart said that theres a "new rule" for cornell notes.  I think its so stupid.  We were talking taking notes about taking notes.  Like wtf is that?  And the new cornell notes is so much more work.  I think its so stupid because I hate taking cornell notes and making stupid reflections.  After that was over we had period 1.  It was so boring.  We had to do book work.  What sucks is that I have no text book and I cant do my book work during this weekend! I keep on forgetting to bring it! Its my mistake.  Well that was period 1 for you.  Now for period 3.  Our algebra teacher was back, we did a new 12 by 12 times table.  It was a new random order.  After that we took a practice test and that was it.  On the thursday was pretty interesting.  Me and one of my best friends had a friend fight and yeaaauh that was it.  And shaela was being a weirdo and played temple run.  It was retarded.  Well I am skipping the periods for the day because now I am getting tired of typing.  Oh yeauh and I got a 307 on my HSA! I got the highest out of the team 8-1 in leadership lol.  Now I am going to talk about friday.  Friday was when we went bowling.  Bowling wasnt as fun.  We were having fun at first, but then there was a buzz kill and then everything got boring and everyone looked bored and exausted i'm guessing.  Well that was the week.  Kbye.