Spring fling poster.

Okay so this is my spring fling poster.  Us all leadership had to work on our own spring fling poster individually.  This is how mines turned out.  Haah I know laugh it up, it isn't that pretty.  Well anyways I thought doing this poster was really fun.  I didn't know what to do do how to do it untill other people started it.  I hated how we only got a few days to finish it, but then what I liked was how it turned out to be good and  I got to finish it.  The spring fling poster was pretty simple.  That is another thing I liked.  All we had to do was add the tittle, the who, what, when, where why.  Or also known as the 5 W's and we had to add the activities on it.  I didn't expect that this would turn out really pretty because I didn't know where to put things and how to put it and the order.  You know what Im saying.  Now, by looking at it I really like my poster haha.  I like it because everything is perfect and in the right place.  I never messed up this time on this poster.  Well actually I did, on the top, but I don't think that anyone will notice it because the font is small and the thing that will get their attention is spring fling.  Another thing I liked was how we get to hang it up.  I like my work to be on full display because its so sexy LOL.  On the other hand, we got to see how other people did because it was all around the room before we put it on the library and stuff.  Oh and I call dibs on the library.  NO ONE ELSE TAKE IT.  Well anyways, there were some sketchy posters.  Also some posters had small letters it looked like an apostraphe (Idunno how to spell punctuation words.. Well that is pretty much it.  Okay bye!