Rule number seven. Grade checks.

We have weekly grade checks.  Every week we bring home our recent grade to show our parents our progress in the year.  We need at least A's the highest and C's the lowest.  If we don't reach these expectations then we would be on probation and let everyone else screw up because we would let everybody down.  That is what the rule number 4 is.  I think that it shouldn't have any change in it.  One reason why I think there shouldn't be any changes in this category is because we need this so we can see the progress we are having.  Also because getting good grades is good for the people in leadership.  We are role models and we should also show that we have good grades to influence everybody in the school.  That is why i think we shouldn't change anything about this rule.  I think I fit into this category.  I think i fit into this category because my mom and dad think I am not good enough and that I don't even have good enough grades.  i try to reach their expectations, but they still won't allow it.  I think that the progress reports will help me get straight A's because I clearly want to impress my mom and dad by bringing home A's.  Another reason why I think i fit into this category is because I try my best not to get C's or B's and being reminded i'm going to have to look at them almost everyday motivates me to have better grades.  I like this rule because it can help me have higher and better grades.  I think that by having higher and better grades will increase my chance in getting a scholarship or at least something good that would happen in life.  Also so I wouldn't get a talk by any of my teachers.  Well that is why I like this rule.