Rule number three Late work=probation

Rule number 3 means that if there are any late work that people give they can't give it because it's to late and it isn't suppose to be late.  Its suppose to be on time so that is why they can't work.  There are a lot of things that can get you on probation.  Most of the rules can put you on probation.  Because one imperfect move you make you cause a whole chain reaction which causes a waste of time.  I don't think I fit into this category because I don't turn in late work.  I turn it in just in time the assignment is due.  I don't think I really have anything to say about this rule.  It is irrelevant, but not really to me.  I try my hardest not to turn in late work.  And these are the expectations most of my classes expect me to not do which is turn in late work.  So I am alright with this rule.  I wouldn't want to change anything because there isn't anything to change.  If some one misses i because they forgot its their own faults because they don't bother to remember.  Another reason why I am alright with this rule is because people should learn to turn things in on time.  I think its unfair that people who put the most effort and time to finish this before it's to due to get the same credit as the ones who turned it in late.  Even if its towards the people I care about it's still unfair.  Don't you think so? That is why I am okay with having this rule and I wouldn't want to changed any thing about it.  I wouldn't want this rule to turn into something more complicated because I already have enough worries.  So I guess that is it then.