Rule number Five. Time cards.

Our rule number 2 is about the time cards.  We write down the time we get to school.  Well mr. ing does that and then when or after he does we work.  We have to be there at the school before or by 7:15 because thats our usual time jobs start.  It has affected me because I have to wake up early and I have to stress out my mom or dad to drop me off early.  It doesn't only affect me, but it also affects my family because they have to go through my yelling and all kinds of crap I do.  It also affects how I walk when I reach ilima. I run there because I don't know if i'm going to be late or not.  That is how it affected me.  I don't like this rule. Why you ask? A LOT OF REASONS.  I have to stress the one that drops me off because they have to wake up early just for me.  I don't like it when my mom and dad already work so hard.  Another reason why I don't like this rule is because it makes me so worried if i'm not going to be able to work.  I need to work for my grade.  I don't like getting bad grades and when I do i get busted and lectured at.  This rule is ridiculous.  I know it will help people go early, but what if we get stuck in traffic? There is no reason to suffer the consequences just because of traffic.  Its like the curtians that were open at night RIDICULOUS.    i hate it I hate it I hate it.  I think it should be gone.  i don't ever want to see this rule again.  Ever.  Okay i'm going now.  BYE LOSERS!