Ohai, the week is done. HOLLAAH!

So like right now sorry if my blogger is too short, my Internet connection is being stupid on my laptop so then I'm using my wildfire hotspot thingy and it's really slow. Well how was my week? Well it was pretty... How should I put this HORRIBLE, irratating, I just wanted it to end. Let's start with a monday, monday went by pretty fast. I actually don't remember much of Monday, but it was good. Wait, never mind. I had pack stuff from my old house into my new house. It was getting kind of empty in my old house, but that was pretty much my Monday. On Tuesday, I don't really remember what had happened on Tuesday... I think it was the pest night we spent at pur new house. It was pretty weird. And I went to sleep late because I wanted to see my mom. The week seemed like a blur too me. Well actually Monday and Tuesday are the days that are a blur to me. Now I am going to move on to Wednesday. Wednesday we had the even periods. Things were pretty awkward. Oh wait. Now I remember some of Tuesday. Okay so hold on for Wednesday. Well on Tuesday, mr. Ing went outside. He seemed pretty angry so then while he was outside us students were on the inside talking about what we should do. Shanice mentioned that we shOuld all go talk to him, but then shayna didn't want to then 5 seconds later shayna and shaela were laughing and going outside. Thats what made me remember tuesday. When they left I was confused because yeauno never mind lol. Well now back to Wednesday. Yes indeed it was pretty awkward. I felt like there was an angry atmosphere and yes their was. Mr.ing told me and shanice to go A102 to practice and he looked angry so of course we would listen. We were practicing in a102 it was pretty chill and then while we were practicing we were talking about how the dance was too long and how we should cut the dance a little. We made some changes so that was all good. That was also the day I had my science test. I didn't want a B so then I was studying a lot I was all cautious about what my grade would be because I don't want to fail and my new years goal is to do good in classes and I'm trying my best. Apparently some things arent as I expected it to be. But oh wells this blog isn't about my goals and other stuff. It was about what I was doing through the week. We are on Wednesday so we are continuing on. Wednesday overall was just plain awkward. Toward the end it was just plain horrible. On Thursday we had a discussion and we had to form the tables together like 2times. Then I went to go to my algebra teacher. The enviornment felt uncomfortable in a101 and I couldn't think right so then I went to algebra. That was a good thing because it was the last period of the day. Algebra was really chill. We were all working on pur class work, we took cornell notes on the linear function graphing thing and we were learning how to graph it and get the coordinates. I enjoyed it. Also I did my first practice of avid tutorials! We did it about hitler and we got to use our new tutorial form. That was Pretty much my Thursday. Now moving on to Friday. In the morning it was okay. I was playing numbers with myself until a customer came. I didn't know what to do. After came home room. Today in home room we were listening to longs star spangled banner and caches pledge of Aligence. Fisher never got to go because he never memorized the whole thing. But soon gonna make him memorize it. Chachie and king did pretty good for their first time. Even if they made some small mistakes they can still learn it. Well that was during home room. The first 2periods were pretty normal, unroll I got to advisory and lunch time. I got lectured at more half of advisory in front of some of the 8th grade leadership. I got lectured at what has been going on lately. After that it came 4th period and came another discussion. It was going okay because this time wasnt getting lectured at. It was just a one on one talk and it was calm. Well now I am going to straighten things out and set my priorities straight because right now I am not straight. Well I am straight in the term on lesbians and gays but you know what I mean. Well bye!