The last week ;3

So like it was the last week of the quarter.  Busy busy week.  It started with a Monday.  It was the day I was suppose to go on the field trip to UH.  But yeaunno what sucked? THE FIELD TRIP GOT CANCELED.  I was so pissed I hated that day.  It was so rainy and UGGGH LIKE I WANTED TO GO TO THE FIELD TRIP.  And so it had started with a bad morning.  Then it got worse because I had english.. The most boring class of all team 8-1.  We had to do a compare and contrast worksheet and my partner wasn't cooperating with me.  Besides that we had to make a constructed response and we were brought a demon army of home work approaching my class and I.  Like I had enough of stress on my back.  Then we had a class lock down for recess.  I didn't like it.  I had to stay in mr. McCorkells class -.- I know it sucks right!? Well lets fast forward that and monday had ended okay.  Now I am moving on to tuesday.  Tuesday was okay.  for period 3 I had graduation pictures and when we were done I was walking and running around the school to do stuff.  And what I disliked was that I got 310 for my score for HSA.  It sucked yo! Now it was 5th period.  We had philosophical chairs.  I was the judge.  It was boring.  And then something bad happened.  We were assigned a project.  Or actually a speech.  I had to memorize the gettysburg address dring spring break.  That was okay, but I don't wanna memorize such a long speech lol. That was 5th.  Now moving on to first.  Social studies was okay, although people were making trouble and I had a feeling Ms. Liu was going to get mad.  When school was done, I found it was flooded!  Me, shaela, and anne went to taco bell lol.   But what sucked was we were soaking wet by the time we went to taco bell.  And it wasn't even that much of a far walk!  But it was a good tuesday.  Now moving on to wednesday.  For period 4 we had grad pictures.  It was okay.  For science we had a test.  I got a good score on it and yeaauh.  Period 2 we had a DSI test and got busted.  That was wednesday.  Now moving on to thursday.  Thurday was the last day of school.  It was okay.  I loved algebra because we had free time, but I felt kind of stupid lol.  I was put under so much pressure that I didn't even know what I was talking about when I had to solve a math problem.  that was pretty much the thursday.  Afterschool anne, shaela, and shanice came to my house lol.  We were chillin and then anne and shanice were being dumb and were trying to kidnap me LOL.  Well that was the week! Bye!