Third Quarter ;3

Ugh, I know I am late Im sorry! Iv'e been fixing up the room almost all day yesterday and today.  Well third quarter.  We are three fourths done with the school year already! I can't believe I have gone this far.  Third quarter has been great for me.  Even though I had some rough times I have still gotten through.  I will always remember some memories that has happened here bad or good.  One thing I will never forget is trying to quit leadership! That was one of the most dramatic and cool moments.  Yeauh I know I shouldn't say that because it looked bad, but it was pretty entertaining for me.  Mostly the meeting with Mr. Ing, Dr. Barton, Ms. Casuga, and Mr. Y(sp).  Also it had taught me some things.  Most of the mistakes that has happened in the third quarter has taught me some life long lessons.  Another horrible memory that I will always remember is the team 8-1 field trip we couldn't go to.  It sucked cause some teachers don't know how to read the calender and see the important dates.  Well that day was pretty fun.  Even though there was some bad memories there were some good memories or events like the spring fling.  Spring fling was pretty good.  I enjoyed playing balloon darts.  Another thing was soccer intrumirals! And basketball intrumirals! Those were pretty fun! And the most recent on was the spring bucket.  I never got through reading it, but I know I will have time during this week because its spring break.  There were some good things that happened in 3rd quarter, but it wasn't involving leadership.  I'm going to mention it anyways LOL.  I will always remember valentines day.  You know I still have the rose?! Although its dead ;3 LOL.  3rd quarter... hmm, what else shall I say about it? It has taught me a lot about friendship and team work.  3rd quarter has made me realize some things.  I have no idea why but 3rd quarter is always my favorite quarter.  I hope that 4th quarter will be good to me.. Wow, the year has gone by so fast.. I wish we can just pause and take a break on everything.  OHH! and AVID's field trips LOL.  I don't like how the UH field trip got canceled -.- I really wanted to go... Well that is all I am going to say ! Bye!