This week of 4th quarter (x

Hm, this week was a pretty good week.  We haven't encountered any problems which was great.  Also this week was like my "sleep week" almost everyday during the week when I come home I fall asleep! Its weird haha.  Also this week was a short week because Monday was a holiday a.k.a kuhio day.  Well I am going to start (:
Monday was a good day, it was a lazy day for me in the morning.  It was a regular morning and I slept in until 9. I woke up like I had enough sleep and that was a good thing.  Today was the day I went to Shaela's house and have some fun with the homies (x Well anyways I went out and rode the electric scooter to shaela's house.  One I went it was pretty fun (x they were just chillin' although they wanted to go to the pool.  So then we went to the pool.  I had to ride the scooter back home but I was packing shanice and we went to my house and got the keys and my swimming stuff then we went to the pool.  While we were at the pool shanice was trying to holler at little kids LOL she is a pedo xD then my sisters came.  We had some problems when she did because she said some harsh things to shaela, anne, and shanice, and even me.  She called me fat and I felt insecure aftarward, but now its okay (x After that we went back to shaelas house, ate there and chilled until 4.  We were singing karaoke and on facebook and watching videos.  It was a good day.  And then we went home.  That was my Monday.
Tuesday was an odds day.  It was a regular day for me and for everyone.  We had some laughs and stuff and it was or seemed pretty chill.  Also graduation pictures came in! I saw mines.  Mines wasnt bad and good at the same time.  What bothered me was that extra hair on the side hanging on my shoulder.  I wanted to scratch it off.  Well besides that I am going to talk about what happened in each period.  I am going to talk about what happened in 5 period.  5th period we didn't do much.  We did this ridiculous gettysburg address speech test thing and we had to write 4 paragraphs! The good thing is I finished in time and I got a good score on it.  I thought I would get it all wrong because I didn't know what I was doing half the time! Well after that we gone over other work that would be due next week and that was it.  Now moving on to period 1.  In period 1 we did this map worksheet.  I was so close to getting a perfect score but then I ended up getting a 9/10 -.- Then we copied some work and that was pretty much it.  Now moving to 3rd period.  3rd period it was regular.  We took cornell notes and we did a 20 by 20 times table.  When I came home I fell asleep and that was pretty much all of Tuesday.
Wednesday was an okay day it seemed pretty chill.  I am going to talk about period 6.  In period 6 we were taking cornell notes on the stars life cycle.  I saw that it was pretty amazing because it seemed pretty cool.  That was pretty much it.  Other than the talking to irene and mocking jeremiah and jarren making dumb jokes lol.  Now moving on to period 2.  Period 2 was boring.  All we did was listen to speeches and take notes on it.  Also we took notes on what to do to be a good speaker and listener.  That was pretty much all of english. Now moving on to period 4.  Period 4 we were stapling graduation forms.  When we were done we just did whatevers.  I was working on my vocab cards and anne was helping me, shaela and shancie were reading city of glass and then mr. Nishimura came in and mr. Weida came in and then they were just talking to mr. ing.  But it was funny how mr. nishimura was yelling at that weirdo 7th grader LOL.  After that we went to the graduation meeting.  The graduation meeting was pretty interesting.  I was helping a little and then I sat down with shaela and our gaurdian and anne and shancie and her dad and her step brother zach.  It was pretty funny and we seemed like the loudest ones in the meeting >__< we are such loud mouths LOL.  After that me, anne, shaela, and her mom went mcd's and something sketchy happened.  Then we went home and shaelas mom honked and flipped off this other car LOL.  That was my Wednesday.
So thursday was the day of my speeches and my debate.  In 1st period we did a debate about sectionalism and nationalism.  It was a pretty ridiculous debate.  I was one of the judges and yeeauh lol.  It was pretty hard to find out who to give the point to because they sounded both really ridiculous and I didn't even know what I was doing or what they were talking about LOL.  That was pretty muich all of period 1.  Now I am going to talk about what happened in period 3.  Period 3 was pretty regular.  We did cornell notes and we worked on some algebra problems.  Then austin kept pulling my hair and then I poked him and then he poked me.  Then we had this small play fight and then mr. Barayuga accused me and austin liking eachother.  I thought that was just plain dumb.  That was what happened in algebra.  Now I am going to talk about what happened in advisory.  Advisory/ lunch we had, well I had a meeting for future leadership students.  I saw all the same people except errlyn and 2 new people.  I explained about the leadership applications and that was pretty much it.  That was what happened in advisory.  Now moving on to avid.  Today was the day we had to do speeches.  When we came inside the class I was about to die because I was scared that I was the first one to go.  When it was time for me, my legs and hands were shaking and my pulse was racing.  I was trying to choke up the words and thankfully I did.  I did good with the expressions and tones and hand gestures, but thats when I got to the end.  The end I blanked out and failed.  I forgot the end and I had to go again after keith.  I thought I had failed my avid class because I couldnt remember it.  My stupid mind was dilly dallying some where else.  That was pretty much what happened in avid class.  After school I went to wrestling.  I watched and waited till heighlee and anne and shaela and shanice got the form.  Then we caught bus and went home.  That was all of thursday.
Friday was a pretty good day.  Nothing really happened.  Just a review, chilling and work.  That was pretty boring.  Then when I came home I fell asleep and that was my Friday.
I am now done wiith explaining the week (x so like, bye!